New Year New Diet

Happy New Year! I've noticed that a lot of people this year are putting down the "New Year New Me" faithful, and yes, whilst I understand that most New Year's resolutions don't make it past a month, I don't think making the decision to try and become a better person should be scorned at, even if it does only last a few weeks. At least some form of effort is there and I for one would rather I got up off my ass even if it was only for 30/365 days instead of none!

I myself am a serial dieter and have as much sticking power at New Year's resolutions as trying to staple jelly to a tree, however with graduation coming up this year I am more determined than ever to rid myself of this extra 35-40 lbs. Last year I attempted the Dukan Diet and actually did quite well as far as my relationships with diets go, I lost just over a stone in total and managed to keep the majority of it off for a good few months. However, rich food, laziness and Christmas took over and I've found myself slowly but surely back to 10 st 11 lbs.

The hardest part of the Dukan Diet was the strict no carbs and no sugar rule. Carbs are my comfort blanket and as much as I chose to ignore it shoving chocolate cookie syrup into my coffees instead of sugar was just plain cheating (even if it is delicious)! This time around I can have my syrup and have my carbs as long as they're in moderation and of the brown variety, which I have to say have rather surprised me. My previous opinions that brown carbs would be like munching through cardboard have been proved unfounded, and they're actually quite tasty!

I am currently following Vicky Pattison's 7 Day Slim which involves 10 minutes of high intensity exercise and a 1,250 kcal diet every day. The DVD has six 10 minute workouts with varying difficulty, from what I can gather you do workout 1 every day for a week, then workout 2 every day and so on and so forth until week 6 is complete. From then I think your fitness levels should have improved enough to do 2-3 workouts a day, or all 6 in one go as a major workout. Even I should be able to find 10 minutes a day to do these workouts so I'm looking forward to starting this and fingers crossed see it through!

Start Weight: 10 st 11 lbs / 151 lbs / 68.5 kg
Current Weight: 10 st 11 lbs / 151 lbs / 68.5 kg
Total Weight Loss So Far: 0 st 0 lbs / 0 lbs / 0 kg


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