A Tale of Two Cities...
York Minster Well hello there! It has been a while hasn't it? Last week I was lucky enough to take a little trip up North. It may not be Mallorca but it definitely made me feel like I was getting away. Most Haunted Pub in York I first visited York a couple of years ago to go and see "Thriller" the musical (would fully recommend by the way) and we liked it so much we went back for my brother's 30th Birthday - Viking themed of course! This time however we were twinning it with a two night stay in Durham. So at half past 8 on Sunday night I returned home from a day shift in work, cursing myself that I left everything to the last minute (as always!), threw a load of clothes in a case and drove to my parents house as we would be travelling by train from theirs. Riverfront I don't know how you all feel about travelling and being in enclosed spaces with the general public after the past 18 months, but I think my experience of the pandemic has definitely made me a lot mor...