School's Out For Summer

Yay! After an amazing 4 weeks at my new placement I now have 3 well earned weeks off and I'm Nerja bound in less than a week.

I've always been a bit unsure about exactly what I can and cannot put about my nurse training on here. So unfortunately I have made the decision that if I'm in any doubt, don't. This disappoints me as much as you, however, it's really not worth risking my PIN before I've even received it!

What I can say is that this placement is lovely. I'm being pushed harder than ever as a third and final year student. Something that absolutely terrified me at first but have learnt to actually love. There's nothing more rewarding than making the right decisions for your patients and knowing that they have come from you and not someone telling you to do them. Not just a hat rack, eh? It has made me slightly, and only slightly, more comfortable with knowing I'll be qualified in little less than 8 months. Although the prospect still makes me want to run for the hills screaming sometimes. "The keys? Why do you want me to have the keys? Noooooo!" is a scenario that circles my head on a daily basis but then a great day on placement reminds me that, yes, I can do this, I want to do this, and in all honesty I've never wanted anything more. It's so close I can almost touch it and no doubt April will ultimately appear out of nowhere.

Day 3 of my holidays and I am bored out of my brain. A couple of years ago my friend and I went into Liverpool with £10 each and had the best day visiting all the free attractions available. St George's Hall, The Walker Art Gallery, The Museum, The Tate and The Maritime Museum. This would be perfect, however a little problem called the 'school holidays' would mean I'll be fighting my way through and dodging children. No thanks.

So, we're heading back to Nerja, no doubt visiting most of the places in my last Nerja post. Staying more central though will hopefully give me some new places and experiences to blog about. We'll see.

¡Hasta Luego!


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