I got a job!
Yup, that's right, I got myself a staff nurse preceptorship for when I finish Uni which is little less than 6 weeks away. Argh!
3 weeks ago I received an email that a local trust was holding a recruitment day at Uni, so I went along expecting a brief outline of what jobs were available. However, after a brief intro we were then told that if we were happy to, they would be interviewing for preceptorship positions that day and would be told immediately if we were offered the job or not. Eeek! Now, I had put all ideas of interviews very much on the back burner until all my assignments were completed so as you can imagine I felt sick. I had not done any interview preparation whatsoever. I was third in, knees knocking, hands shaking, I had no idea what to expect. But, I got it!
4 days later I presented my last ever assignment, receiving a distinction for it a week and a half later. All my theory work is over and 3 years of hard work, tears, tantrums, smiles and laughter is drawing to a close. I can't believe in the matter of several weeks I will be wearing my blues as a fully qualified staff nurse! Not before a cheeky few days away in Mykonos though, which I will definitely blog about.
Blog soon,
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