Dukan Diet Update: 2

It's the start of my 5th week on the Dukan Diet and although there have been slips and trips along the way, overall I'm very pleased.
I have currently been 9st 13lbs for the past week so I think this where I'm plateauing. There's nothing more frustrating than restricting yourself and seeing no results. At least it's not gone up so I suppose that's something. I also have some lovely friends who've noticed that I've lost the best part of a stone, and their kind words are giving me just the motivation I need to keep going.
So, I'm not wholly disheartened, just frustrated and craving cheese...and pizza...and chips...oh god, chips!
Ha ha, hopefully will find I've reached the stone milestone this week, fingers crossed!

Start Weight: 10st 11lbs / 151 lbs
Current Weight: 9st 13lbs / 139 lbs
Total Weight Loss So Far: 12 lbs


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